‘Winter Blue’s’ Killiney Hill

Based on the Gouache painting from my shop page here. This sketch; Winter Blue’s took the basis for the painting you see. The sketch is full of reference ideas for the final/finished painting. Notes are scattered with ideas for the painting and colours that are required, along with value notes that I have graded as…’ V 1′: Value no 1. ‘V 2’ Value No 2…etc, etc.

I’m aware that more photo’s and material would be beneficial to my customers, however, I’m trying to collect more material and web managing tools as I progress.

The sketch you see was done from the top of the hill or ridge. I normally paint ‘On the- Spot’ (from life). I find it hard to paint in the tough and cold weather conditions we’re currently having. You really need hands of steel to paint outdoors in +2 to -2dC. I admire painters who can and quite a few do paint and draw in inclement weather conditions.

I always feel a sense of real guilt when working from a sketch, but, as I found out, there are many artists who can’t work when weather and certain matters get in the way.

A4 Pencil sketch.

On The spot. From the scene. It was a bitterly cold afternoon!!

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