‘Red Dawn’ – Sketch

Red Dawn sketch was a real thrill to paint & sketch. Dalkey has a lot going on, not only the village but the surrounding areas. If you look at my shop page to view the painting based on this sketch, you’ll see my transition. I do want to show more images of the progression of my work in the next posts- one image doesn’t show the viewer much to go on in fairness!

Gouache paint is really growing on me, as I’m sure I’ve repeated in a few of my previous posts. But it’s a medium I could make my ‘number one medium of choice’…that’s saying a lot. Watercolour has a hold of me since I was in my twenties. I’ve only been painting in gouache five or six months, and you’ll see this in my Instagram posts. I really admire the U.S. Artist called: Mike Hernandez His fluidity of the paint makes me bite my lips with envy!

Red Dawn from Dalkey is one of many I hope to display here. But, I’ve so much more places I haven’t sought out in this area, and other fascinating area’s of Dun Laoghaire and Blackrock too. The area’s where the average person may not tread, this is the places I want to see and put on canvas..so to speak.

Dalkey Island, Co. Dublin Ireland. Irish Landscape Artist. Irish painting from Co, Dublin.

‘Red Dawn’ Sketch Size; A4.

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