Dalkey Island overcast Afternoon.

I was working off Harbour Road, Dalkey about two weeks ago when i came across this site. As i was taking green waste to the end of a garden i looked behind the clients wall – i was dumb struck what was in front of me. I had to seek it out. When i got nearer to the edge of the the shore rocks the views stunned me! The grace and sheer strenght of the Island, a trawler coming in with it’s daily catch and the colour of the sea. Ireland is a truly beautiful little gem. Firstly, i’d never seen Dalkey Island from this vantage point before…literally from a back garden. I ran back for my sketchpad. Luckily i had my watercolours in the bag. I had to work quickly as i was ‘on the job’! I find when your backs to the wall you work much more effectiently. watercolour is about speed and spontaneity.

This is what i captured above. To be completely honest..some of it was finished back home as the wind was a bit of a challenge. This will be a completed painting soon for my website. PS: I was livid i left out the boat going by the Island.

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