Sketch for Motor Yacht Club.Dun Laoghaire Harbour.

Today i was in Dun Laoghaire for a while and decided to see if i could get some quality time in before going on to work. I stopped off at the Harbour and did a watercolour sketch at the opposite side of the Motor Yacht Club. Famous for kids on spring and summer evenings in their colourful ‘toppers’ sailing up and down within the harbour walls, and near the jetty if they’re tots!

I wanted to give you an idea of a snipit of my work in a few shots. (Taken via instagram. Forgive the quality and my lack of ‘skills’)

The start process, and waiting for wash to dry…which it did, eventually!

The start process, and waiting for wash to dry…which it did, eventually!

Sizing up and looking for similarities. Also trying to see if i can show half scene and half sketch….think i need a bigger camera! You get the idea…

The final sketch. Took about 30/40 minutes in all. The colours are not correct in the backround. I don’t worry though – it’s the experience and knowledge i took. This is NOT a painting…just a ‘blue print’ which will help when i get to the studio to complete the finished painting soon. This along with thumbnail sketches..tiny sketches for tone. A photo for harmony..over all colours…joining everything. will keep you posted for completed painting.

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