Motor Yacht Club West pier Dun Laoghaire.

I did a recent sketch posted in instagram from this scene. However, this watercolour was taken on my canon camera so hopefully the image will be a little more clearer.

I was looking to paint this particular scene the last week. I did a few studies of this. The day was very overcast and raining on and off most of last Tuesday/Wednesday. The sea’s colours were so unique – ‘minty’ in colour, due to the affects of the sky’s reflection on the surface of the water and passing complex cloud formations. In reality they were light blue in tone. The yachts looked so graceful too, their various colours along with the orange coloured ribs…(inflatable boats). The initial sketch was done on the scene. This was finished at the studio. I just couldn’t work in those conditions. You can just make out Longford Terrace Monkstown in the distance, with the hazy trees to the left.

I was happy with the over all ‘feel’ of the painting. I’d prefer if the sky was darker, as it was HEAVY!

PS: This painting and most others are for sale on my blog. I don’t want to put these blog images on my site as they are ‘on the spot’ works and sketches.

watercolour “10 X “7 €60

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