‘Cold Afternoon Percy Place’

I uploaded this watercolour to my website this morning. This painting took me ages to do! Trying to get the colours and proportions right…ARRAHH!!! There was so much more to ‘green’ and ‘brown’. Mixing from the palette to get the tree foliage just dark brown, but not too dark to look over-done. I think i got the footpath tone, maybe a tad darker. My biggest error: I should have put in a figure/figures walking along the pathway. If you look closer, you’ll see the cars on the far side of road just hinted at.

This is the preliminary sketch. I did a few but they are lost or i can’t find them…messy! I know i didn’t include the bridge in this one. I’ll have a look and try and upload it next time. The date does give you an indication of when it was done. It was as i remember FREEZING! I concentrated more on the red cottage as it’s really so unique and a real ‘Anglo’ feel to it.

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