Sketch for: Percy Place Dublin 1

This is a sketch and small watercolour i did St, Patrick’s Day. I love the Grand Canal. So i went there as i knew traffic would be to a minimum, due to the England V Ireland Rugby match.

The day was very cold and as lately with my luck – overcast and dull!

Anyway, i was happy as i got to do some work for a painting these sketches are going to be based on very soon…all going well.

I’ve already started the large watercolour today: (12″ X “16) working in the studio based on these paintings/sketches with some ref photos as mechanical guide lines…buildings, structure and perspective.

Each work has it’s own characteristics that only i can understand. It transends me back there when i look at these working at home/studio. The colours may not be totally representational, but that’s completely irrelevant to the outsider – only i understand this ‘map’.

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