‘Grey Afternoon at Sally Gap’

This watercolour was a pain to work on. Number 1; it was the colour green that really annoyed me. Trying to get the colour of what i like to call: ‘Irish green’ was so difficult. I had to experiment with various watercolour tube colours: colbalt/sap green, cadmium red (bare amount) with cerulean blue/viridian green, viridian green/colbalt blue. Going back and forth, re-trying and re-experimenting over and over. Finally what i liked, i kinda’ stuck with. The mid ground trees i was happy with, as these were of a grey/neutral tone – distance harmonizes almost all land vegetation. The tractor tracks that lead to the gate was the final part. I added the little figures in to bring everything together.

This painting is in my ‘store page’ if your interested please contact me.

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