‘Lazy Daze’: Sketch

‘Lazy Daze’: Sketch is based on my gouache study on my shop page. I just love the texture and feel of gouache. I’m an Irish artist with a passion and painting watercolours. It is a water-soluble medium between watercolour and acrylic paint. However, this is a watercolour sketch. Very basic and simple.

I took lots of notes and photos for my ‘Lazy Daze’ painting. Theses notes are essential for my work. Like a personal diary. Mostly I prefer to do a thorough sketch as opposed to a watercolour ‘on the spot painting’. I feel it’s more personal and meaningful to me. Sketching is a great way to record what you want on the go. It’s an extremely versatile way of working quickly. This is my usual method of working towards a painting.

The composition is really essential to any painting/sketch. Here in ‘Lazy Daze’, my composition was satisfactory to me. The balance was the trees on both sides of the canal, the primary balance was the canal lock in the middle, also the red-bricked building and figures (centre left) bring strength and unity into perspective.

Watercolour Sketch: Size A4.

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